My Story

About Me

Michelle is the founder of Be more Bertha Coaching. Years of lived experience and training has led Michelle to help others and so Bertha came about, an acronym ( and also happens to be her Grandmothers name) to Build Emotional Resilience from a Trauma informed Healing Approach

Michelle helps and guides clients from feeling depressed and anxious to living a life of joy through somatic movement, nervous system regulation and using several modalities.

Michelle is a qualified ICF Coach and has a Masters Degree in Business Studies. Her background working for the National Farmers Union and founder of a Chartered Surveyors allows her to work with clients from many backgrounds.

“Feeling my feels & regulating my nervous system healed me

Michelle jane

Ok, I’m all about integrity, honesty and helping others. So after living most of my life with depression, PTSD and having anxiety attacks led to dis-ease in my body, When we work with the root cause of what we have repressed and not the symptoms, healing begins.

I am a survivor of what happened to me and I choose to live a life filled with purpose, joy and love and so can YOU.

Bertha is based on how I healed myself from depression and PTSD, it is continuously evolving and through a trauma-informed perspective, YOU can be free from limiting beliefs.

About Michelle Jane

Michelle Jane founded Michelle jane coaching, after living for years with depression, anxiety. Michelle was fed up and after taking anti depressants for 15 years and finding that the many traditional recommended therapies to heal hadn’t worked in the past. As a massive people pleaser with no boundaries, very co-dependent, a survivor of child sexual abuse and a broken marriage, she finally found the courage to walk away from what was not serving her and learn how to heal. A blend of modalities enabled her to heal from all that had happened to her. and as a qualified ICF Somatic Trauma informed COACH she now helps clients heal and live their best life.

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